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About Me 

Encouraging, inspiring, educational, and a little quirky—that’s been the heart of Ponder That from the beginning. But as life has changed for me, so has this space. What started as a place to reflect on life’s big and small moments has now grown into something more, as I’ve stepped into new roles: wife, mom, homemaker, and business owner. Each of these roles has deepened my faith, added new dimensions of joy, and, of course, brought fresh challenges.


After getting married in my mid-thirties and becoming a mom, life feels fuller and more purposeful than ever. My little one is still in diapers, and the transition into motherhood has been beautiful in ways I never fully anticipated. These days, I’m learning to balance it all—nurturing my baby, managing our home, and running my business from home. It’s a delicate dance, but I’ve found grace in each moment, and I can’t wait to share the lessons I’ve learned.


At its core, Ponder That is still about encouraging you to laugh a little harder, pray a little longer, and live life to the fullest. But now, you’ll also find more practical tips on family life, homemaking, and navigating the adventure of being a work-from-home mom. I love sharing the items and tricks that have made my life a bit easier, from baby essentials to everyday hacks that keep my home running smoothly.


We are all works in progress, and that’s a powerful thing to embrace. This blog is about more than just the end goal; it’s about enjoying the process and discovering purpose along the way. I hope this space inspires you to find beauty in the ordinary, to seek God in the midst of your day-to-day, and to feel a little less alone on the journey.

So, whether you’re here to find encouragement, some helpful tips, or simply to feel a sense of community, I’m so glad you’re here. Let’s keep pondering, laughing, praying, and living life with open hearts and full spirits.


Much love darlin' xx


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